People ask me “why did you write your book about mistakes.” My answer is always the same -- because I didn’t learn anything from my success. Besides, book shelves are overflowing with success stories. I wanted the reader to have what I call all the desperate bits of what it really takes to start and build a business. And, I’ve built four over the last twenty five years and believe me when I tell you that my success stands on the shoulders of thousands of mistakes. The book did well and led to a speaking career, then consulting, and ultimately to the formation of Endurance America – which is helping executive teams and their organizations to strive in a new way to reach their full potential.
But believe me when I tell you, it is only through our mistakes, our failures, that we really learn. In fact, I am happy to strike the word failure from the Websters dictionary. The way I see it, you can't fail, you can only learn and grow. In other words go fail fast, learn fast, and grow fast. Then tell somebody about it so they don't make the same mistake that you did. After all, we won't live long enough to make all of them, so we might be better to learn from each other. Breakaway Performers make mistakes - every single one of them. That's a good thing. Now - go learn and grow!
Be a Breakaway!
See ya soon!
Mike Kerrison
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